TV Appearances & Video

Dr. Avena is available for consumer media - including TV, radio, press and digital - and for academic & research media, including video, radio, press and web.

Dr. Avena regularly appears on tv, including the Doctor Oz Show' & 'The Doctors'.


What your sleep says about your health, with Dr Nicole Avena

Dr Avena and Dr Oz discuss how knowing your 'sleep type' may be a key to better health.


Dietary Guidelines for 2021: What You Need to Know with Dr Nicole Avena

Dr. Nicole Avena, nutrition expert and author of 'What to Eat When You're Pregnant' and 'What to Feed Your Baby and Toddler' discusses some of the highlights to the updated USDA Dietary Guidelines. One of the big changes you can expect to see in 2021 is that it will be recommended to consume even less added sugar that what is already suggested.

See the full article by clicking here


How to Completely Ditch the Candy Over The Holidays

Want to avoid your kids’ sugar crash? Nutritionist Dr. Nicole Avena says we can all be celebrating a candy-free Halloween. It may sound hard to believe but she’s got us convinced with her candy alternatives, healthier hosting staples, and more.

NBC LA - Link to video